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What Makes a Great First Wedding Dance?

What Makes a Great First Wedding Dance?

You’ve made it through the ceremony, the photoshoot, and the line to get your award. Your first dance is one of the primary attractions at your celebration now that you are formally married. This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and a memory that will last a lifetime. Hiring a wonderful dance instructor who understands the two of you and what this moment means is one of the finest ways to dance your special moment with confidence. Here are some pointers to get you started:

Tip #1: Hire a professional ballroom instructor with wedding experience. It makes a huge difference in how you feel and how confident you are. The first dance is one of several events on your wedding day. It’s an incredible feeling to be able to float over the floor because you know the dance so well.

Tip #2: Talk to your dance teacher about your dance goals so they can help you achieve them while also exceeding your own expectations.

Tip #3: Talk to your dance teacher about the specifics, such as how you’ll join the dance floor, its size and form, and even the type of surface you’ll be dancing on. Tell them about your wedding gown so they can assist you with any “special” routines you wish to learn, like dips, turns, and spins.

Tip #4: Choose a song that is special to both of you for your first dance and share it with your dancing instructor while choosing your wedding music. You’ll want to make sure it has a danceable beat and isn’t longer than the suggested 2-3 minutes.

Tip #5: Plan your lessons three months ahead of time. Even if you can dance, it’s a unique experience to execute a choreographed wedding dance. Allow yourself enough time to learn, love, and live it. Many couples schedule weekly (at least once a week) dancing instruction and practice time.

Tip #6: Put in some practice time in between lessons. It truly makes a difference in how at ease you will feel and dance on the big day. It’s like snatched moments between the two of you. If at all possible, we want to have folks rehearse in the shoes they’ll be wearing as well as a full skirt. Don’t worry if you don’t have one; we’ve got enough.

Tip #7: Let your DJ and photographer know what you’re planning so that the DJ can properly cue music and the photographer can anticipate movement in their photographs.

Your first wedding dance is a lovely expression of your love and a wonderful sign of your future life together. Whatever you do will impress your friends and family. It’s a wonderful day. Our greatest wish for you is that it fulfills all of your expectations and more.

Enjoy Dancing!

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