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5 Beginner-Friendly Disco Dances For Your Next Party


If you thought that Disco dancing required no learning and is as easy as tapping feet and waving hands on the dance floor then you were mistaken. Although the majority of disco dancing is freestyle and can be danced the way your heart wishes to there are some choreographies too for this amazing retro dancing style, learning which can make you confident on the dance floor.

Disco dancing is a type of retro dancing associated with disco music and disco dance clubs from the 1970s. Disco dancing does not require a partner and can be done solo, with a partner, or in huge crowds as well. Group dances are most popular among groups of friends at bachelor parties or on Friday nights to make the most of weekends. Disco dancing is often performed on a club’s dance floor, with flashing or sparkling lights, massive sound systems, and a disco ball suspended from the ceiling. Disco dancing is mostly freestyle, however certain disco dances include some choreography to allow for synchronized dancing.

Disco dance is one of the most popular dances that people know about, it is one of the most popular social dances in recent times. However, awareness about professional disco dance classes in Dubai is not much, if one invests time in learning this dance they can reap many benefits from it. In this article dance studios being one of the best dance studios in Dubai will show 5 beginner-friendly disco dances that you can learn for your next party.

Let Us See How Disco Dance Emerged

Beginnings of Disco Dancing

Disco emerged as alternative dance music to mainstream rock music around the years the 1960s and early 1970s. The main popularity of Disco music lies in the marketing gimmicks of various nightclubs that wanted people to stay longer at dance clubs. So the nightclubs invited DJs who played soul, funk, jazz, and R&B music. Back in those days, disco wasn’t as popular as it is today as it was mainly associated with the gay, queer and black communities.

In as short as just one year 44,000 new disco places opened up in New York, Philadelphia, and nearby areas in that era, mainly because selling liquor had become a very profitable business then. With such heavy competition and disco and nightclub owners had an even bigger challenge to keep people at the nightclubs for a longer duration and that is why a new type of disco music became popular with the new type of music became popular dance associated with it and that dance started being called as disco dance today. If all this information related to disco is making you tap your feet then it’s time to search for disco dance classes in Dubai near you and join it today.

Let Us Now See 5 Popular Beginner-Friendly Disco Dance Moves

1. Hustle

Hustle is one of the most beginner-friendly moves of the disco dance that you will get to learn when you join any dance academies in Dubai. in the hustle move one has to take three steps forward and three steps backward while pointing the finger towards the sky and also while whirling the finger in circles. This step of hustle is very fun and it is also very popular and famous among disco goers.

2. The Get Down Style

The get-down style is originally from Africa. As the name suggests in this style the dancer takes a wide-legged position and then bends from the waist towards the ground. This is an iconic style of disco dancing that is performed by people since disco dancing began. This wide-legged dancing step from the disco dancing style allows people to grove to the music and enjoy it to the fullest. To master this wide-legged getting-down style you may join disco dance lessons in Dubai near you.

3. The Bump Dancing Style

While most disco dancing styles can be performed solo or single the bump dancing style requires at least one partner. Without a partner performing this becomes a bit difficult and tricky. So if you want to perform this groovy dancing style ensure you have at least one dancing partner. Similar to its name in the bump two partners bump at each other hips. The first two partners bump each other hips and then again turn around and then bump hips from the others side. This is a fun-filled dancing style that makes for a good cardio workout too.

4. The Snap Style

As the name suggests this dancing style of disco dancing involves snapping. Snapping with fingers is one of the easiest dancing moves that one can do. Even a person who has never danced can do this step with ease in one go. To perform the snap style all you have to do is snap your finger and make a huge semi-circle with your hands. Do this one after the other with both hands and snap your fingers. You can also sway your hips or move them in bumps to add an extra touch to this dancing style.

5. The bus stop style

This style cannot be performed solo or even by a couple this is a perfect party dance move. In the bus stop style minimum of five people are needed. This is a combination of multiple other dance styles that we have seen above. Generally, people perform this step as a celebration of events such as weddings and similar fun events. In this style, all dancers gather together and perform the improvised version of hustle which is to take three steps forward and three steps backward. To learn this and many other styles of disco search for the best dance classes in Dubai and start the fun learning journey.

Concluding Lines

Disco dance in Dubai is one of the best and most fun learning dancing styles that can be learned by almost anybody adults who have no prior dancing experience as well as kids. In the above article, we saw five beginners friendly moves of disc dancing.

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