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The Tango’s Complex Simplicity is Beautiful


The tango in its international form is a tricky dance. It has some very straightforward step patterns overlaid with several crucial technical elements that give the dance its distinctive appearance and personality. Argentina is where the Tango mostly has its roots. Street brawls were frequent in early Buenos Aires as social tensions rose between immigrants, particularly Italian immigrants, and the local Creole. The Duelo Criollo was a term used to describe these battles. It was “very ritualized, and the type of knife selected and the sort of wounds caused showed the level of respect or scorn each fighter had for his opponent. Thus, the beauty of tango dance is complex yet simple.

In this blog, Dance Studio Dubai, which is one of the best tango classes in Dubai, will take you through a brief history of tango and explain how the complexity of tango makes it beautiful. So read until the end and learn fascinating things about tango dance and how it became a big thing in Dubai and the Middle East.

The Early History of Tango

In that sense, the Tango grew as a challenging dance, much like break dancing did in North America. Eventually, the Tango substituted the knife, and the amount of respect was signified by the lyrics of the Tango and the intricacy of the Tango steps. It was passionate and raw. When a group of Parisian entertainment agents and dance instructors saw these figures in 1906, they brought the idea back to France and created what is now known as the “lovely pair dance.” The International style of Tango was developed by British dancers and is a less sensuous variation that is more appropriate for social dancing with strangers in western cultures, while the Argentine Tango maintains the essential elements of the original Tango.

Tango has become so famous today around the world and even in the Middle East that a simple search engine search with the term “tango Dubai” shows us multiple tango dance classes in Dubai and other things related to tango dancing.

Tango is a Unique Type of Ballroom Dance

Compared to the other ballroom dances, the tango is a completely different style of dancing. Because there are more walking steps employed, which gives the dancer more time to choose which figure to use next, its design is rather straightforward.

However, there are other aspects of this walking activity that are very different from how we typically walk. Each forward movement involving the left foot must be aligned with the right foot’s path, but with the right side leading, similar to how every forward step with the right foot must be on the left foot’s line. Whereas in other dances, the feet glide in continual contact with the floor, where they rise off of it.

Since the dance is performed with the knees slightly bent the entire time, there is much less rise and fall in the action. Since there is no swing action, there is no sway. To accommodate the abrupt changes in direction or movement, the hold is altered.

This fascinating style of tango dancing compels one to search for tango classes in Dubai. When you set out on a quest to find the best tango classes in Dubai, your search should end at Dance Studios. We have nearly a decade of experience teaching different styles of ballroom dance in Dubai.

Body Flight in Tango Dancing

The smoothness of body flight is what seems to be the most elusive element of tango dancing. Dancers make everything rigid and unyielding because they work so hard to produce the staccato movement that gives the dance its distinctive accents. As a result, you only hear continuous, rigid tones instead of anything staccato.

Long, fluid movements that are occasionally punctuated by abrupt direction shifts or head rotations are the hallmark of the great tango. This way, we should only sometimes notice these behaviors, and they should only be happening to the lady. The dance’s highlights should be the lady’s head rotations, stretches, and accents, which should be performed with the guy completely ignored. However, the man’s acts are usually so extravagant that you don’t get to see the lady dancing. To learn more about body flight in tango dancing, take a few tango lessons in Dubai at Dance Studios to get the basics.

Tango Walks

Tango Walks should be performed with care, with the ball of the moving foot skimming the ground until it crosses the standing foot, but without overdoing it. A loss of consistency would occur if the rear foot were to remain in place for too long. When the foot finally moves, it must do so rapidly to position itself for the music’s next beat. The legato quality we seek to attain is often diminished rather than enhanced by the tendency of many dancers to halt the moving feet beneath their bodies before advancing them on. Tango walks aren’t even as difficult as they seem. If you join a reputed tango dance class in Dubai, such as a dance studio, then with a few lessons you can begin to master the art of tango walks.

Although the hip, not the knee, is the source of the step’s motion, Tango does not use the swinging motion found in other dances. Again, because there is no swing action, many steps are done with the “inside edge” of the foot landing before the remainder of the foot. When compared to other dances, alignments and pace are not the same, which is another characteristic of the tango that is highly unusual. Due to the bending, right-side-leading force of the forward motions in this dance, the position of the foot and direction of movement will typically be different. While moving down the dance line, the feet could be positioned so that they are diagonal to the wall.

Concluding Lines

As you can see, a lot of the Tango’s stunning appearance is due to these minute technical variations. When we understand these fundamentals, our tango vastly improves, and we can fully appreciate the exhilarating and fascinating dance. Joining a reputed dance studio in Dubai can further improve our tango dancing.

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