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Salsa Dance Etiquette You Must Follow While Dancing

Salsa Dance Etiquette You Must Follow While Dancing

Salsa is a social dance that calls for communication and respect between partners. In a social setting, it is not always possible that you will dance with a partner who you are familiar with. There can be circumstances where you will have to dance with new people with whom you have no prior introduction. In such a situation, knowing and following salsa dance etiquette is a must.

Salsa dancing etiquette includes being prepared and being present on time, making introductions to new people, honoring one’s personal space, getting permission before leading or following, and expressing gratitude after every dance. While appreciating the music, it’s also critical to have an open mind, show respect for various dance forms, and feel at ease in one’s style.

However, it’s crucial to refrain from upsetting dancing couples, encroaching on private space, taking charge without authorization, touching someone without their permission, and failing to say “thank you.” Some more dos and don’ts need to be followed while dancing salsa, which Dance Studios Dubai, which is one of the best ballroom dance lessons in Dubai, will cover in detail in this blog, so read till the end.

You may also be interested in reading our blog titled “How To Choose The Right Dance Studio In Dubai”.

Let us first take a look at Basic Do’s and Don’ts


  • Be prepared to dance and arrive on time.
  • Make introductions to potential dance partners.
  • Honor individual limits.
  • Get consent before taking the lead or trailing.
  • Express gratitude for every dance.
  • Acquire new skills and keep an open mind.
  • Pay close attention to your partner’s lead and respond appropriately.
  • Attend to your surroundings and be aware of other dancers.
  • Have an open mind and show respect for various dance forms.
  • Enjoy the music and feel at ease in your skin.


  • Don’t interrupt or stop couples from dancing.
  • Intrude upon a private area.
  • Take charge without authority.
  • Touch other dancers without permission.
  • Neglect to express gratitude.
  • Act demandingly or aggressively toward your partner.
  • Pay attention to showcasing your moves.
  • Overindulge in alcohol.
  • Criticize your partner or other people.

If you are joining one of the best dance classes in Dubai to create more connections with salsa, then our blog will be helpful for you.

Let us now focus on some tips in Detail

Maintain Personal Hygiene

Most social dances are danced in close embrace, and when you join any classes, if you don’t have your partner, you will be dancing with your batchmates. If you are too sweaty or have poor personal hygiene, it can make the other dancer uncomfortable. As a simple rule, most instructors who conduct professional dance lessons in Dubai suggest their clients always use deodorant and carry a napkin to wipe off sweat. You can also consider showering before you attend your salsa classes in Dubai, and you can also consider using mouthwash. It is generally discouraged to chew gum or other mints during and before the performance, as the minty smell can make others uncomfortable. Staying well hydrated before performance takes care of things such as bad breath.

Also, read our blog titled “The Connection Between Bachata and Body Confidence”.

Don’t Teach a New Partner

Whether the person you are dancing with is having trouble or some other person is having difficulty performing a step, it is wise to not go ahead and tell them. Neither the teacher nor the other students should be made aware of their mistakes, nor should you go ahead and tell them that they are doing something wrong. By doing that, the other person will feel incredibly small and embarrassed in front of the entire class or crowd.

The instructor will be fully aware of every student’s situation in the lesson. He or she will have eyes behind their heads! If they believe that someone needs assistance, they will provide it on their schedule and not bring up the matter in front of the class. Most of the instructors at professional dance classes in Dubai will suggest that you simply keep smiling and moving forward. Even when people ask for assistance, it’s usually advisable to tell them to speak with the dance instructor or to state that you are unsure of their next step, even if you know it yourself!

You can also learn why music is a crucial element in ballroom dancing styles and techniques in our blog section.

Dancing Closely

Even though, as we mentioned before, Latin dancing is typically performed in close embrace, many people only do so when they know each other well. Here, you must make a decision based on your partner’s openness to or lack thereof of intimacy. Don’t push things past what your partner is comfortable with. Most of the ballroom dance classes in Dubai suggest that you maintain a healthy distance while dancing so that both you and your partner can dance comfortably without embarrassing each other.

Bumping on Your Partner and Standing There

Dance floors are often crowded and jam-packed when you attend social salsa dances. When you learn salsa dance in Dubai at classes, you can expect to have ample space. Due to the frequent crowding on dance floors, you will eventually run into someone or trip on their feet. Say sorry to anyone who bumps into you, even if you believe it was their fault. If it persists, there must be a mistake being made by both of you!

It’s crucial to keep in mind to dance within the space you have, both for the person stepping on or bumping into you and for the one doing it. This usually means you take extremely few steps, avoid large arm motions, and pay attention to other dancers around you. Adapt your movements to the given space. Choose tighter moves when there isn’t much room to maneuver; otherwise, you will keep running into people.

Concluding Lines

When you join one of the best dance studios in Dubai, such as Dance Studios Dubai, you will learn the basics of etiquette and the dos and don’ts of dance. Our professional instructors also help you choose the right type of outfit and accessory for your wedding dance or competition dance.

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