6 Secrets Exclusively Known by Ballroom Dancers

6 Secrets Exclusively Known by Ballroom Dancers

Who doesn’t love good hacks? From fixing your shoe backstage to dealing with a chipped nail, professional dancers know quite a few hacks and secrets that not many know. When your profession involves constantly staying up-to-date and presentable, you need to be presentable at all times. Wardrobe malfunctions, goof-ups, and petty messes that ordinary people face all the time have no place in the life of a professional dancer in Dubai.

In this blog, Dance Studios Dubai, which is one of the topmost studios offering professional dance classes in Dubai, will take you through some such hidden secrets and hacks. So stay tuned till the end of this blog and share these useful hacks with your friends who are always in a mess and need fixes.

1. Have Slippery Floors? Hair Spray to the Rescue!

If you have taken at least one professional ballroom dance class in Dubai, then you will know that slipper floors are the biggest enemy of dancers. Slippery floors not only ruin your performance, but the chances of the dancers breaking their bones are alarmingly high on such floors.

Now the condition of the floors is never in the dancer’s hands, and with time, the soles of the shoes may also become slippery, making things worse. For such times, professional trainers at Dance Studio Dubai recommend using hair spray on the soles of your shoes. Since hair spray is a bit sticky, it causes enough friction to help you perform well and save your bones from breaking. Whether you want to learn salsa dance in Dubai or Bachata, this is one hack that will save you from slipping while dancing. Another hack that our trainers recommend is using a few drops of Coca-Cola or any other similar sugary drink on the soles of your shoes. The sugar present in it will create enough friction to help you have a smooth performance.

You may also go through our step-by-step guide to learning salsa for your wedding.

2. Baby Hair Troubling You? Use a Toothbrush!

Not many dancers know, but your overall appearance, looks, clothes, and even hairstyle are given key consideration when you are performing on stage for an audition or a competition. When you take professional dance lessons in Dubai, you are taught about your poses, steps, and even posture. Things such as your hairstyle and your dance drapery are some things you need to discuss with your trainer in person to get it right. If you struggle with baby hair and fly-away hair, then trainers at Dance Studios Dubai highly recommend you use a toothbrush before you enter the stage. If you don’t have hair spray or gel, simply wet the toothbrush, and you are good to go. This may not be a long-term fix, but until the time you perform, your hair won’t mess up and distract you.

3. Use Hair Spray on Your Costume

If you wear dancing leotards, you know how blingy and sparkly they are. Especially the female dresses are very blingy. With repeated use, the shine and spark on your costume may fade. To avoid this, we have a hack. This is another hack that only professional ballroom dance classes in Dubai will share with you. Spray your sparkly or glittery dress with hairspray a night before putting it on. The shine of your dress will stay intact since the hairspray will function as an extra adhesive.

To ensure that the dress’s shine doesn’t reduce, make sure the hairspray you use doesn’t leave a film. Before using the hairspray on the entire dress, always test it on a small portion of the cloth. Hairspray stains can be challenging to get rid of.

You may also be interested in knowing “Different Styles of Salsa Dance.”

4. Have Sore Muscles? Tennis Ball to the Rescue!

Dance is a workout, and like any workout, you may have sore muscles. This situation can make it difficult for you to perform on stage. Thus, being one of the best dance studios in Dubai, we tell our students to use tennis balls to reduce soreness.

Your muscles can fully contract and stretch thanks to the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue that tennis balls can reach. The tennis ball can be used for self-massage to relieve foot discomfort since it helps to relax the muscles, joints, and connective tissues in your feet. How do you accomplish that?

Keeping your heel on the ground, place the ball beneath your arch of the foot and let your body weight drop. To help the ball over the arch, roll your foot back and forth. Roll the ball along your foot after that. Continue with the opposite foot.

5. Use Hairspray on Your Bobby Pins

Bobby pins are a necessity, but sadly, they always seem to disappear under strange circumstances. It’s impossible to have too many bobby pins! Thus, when you join the best dance classes in Dubai, your instructor will tell you to hairspray your bobby pins before you put them in to help better fix your hair. In this manner, you can dance with flawless hair and a well-groomed appearance.

6. Use a Tea Bag to Reduce the Stench in Your Dance Bag

Utilized and dried tea bags are useful for absorbing unpleasant odors and can be utilized in tiny or enclosed locations where odors can be formed. For instance, simply place one or two tea bags into the backpack that holds your shoes and exercise attire. Similar to shoes, the tea bag will absorb extra moisture and the fragrance, and the smell will vanish.

An Extra Hack from Dance Studios Dubai

7. Use Vaseline Are You Forget Make-Up Remover!

When you take your ballroom dance lessons in Dubai, you always get extras. Extra love, extra care, and extra attention from our trainers. Similarly, here is an extra hack from our side.

Vaseline is a mixture of different waxes and mineral oils. To remove makeup from your eyes, dab a cotton ball with a little layer of Vaseline. You can also use a tiny bit of petroleum jelly on your fingertip and massage the eye area until the makeup is removed. Finally, wash your face and wipe with a cloth or cotton wool to get rid of all makeup.

While we are talking about makeup, read this post for an incredible guide on “How Dance Can Make Us Better People.”

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