Avoid These 5 Mistakes When Preparing for Your First Dance

Enormous planning for days and months ahead goes into planning a wedding. At Dance Studios Dubai, we all understand how meticulous details and perfection matter for the couple getting married and to their family as well. Having a wedding happen and go as smoothly as possible is no easy task; there are numerous preparations to do and vendors to meet. On top of all this, add the pressure of preparing for the first dance. Whether learning waltz dance in Dubai or Salsa, at Dance Studios Dubai, we promise that your dance preparation will go as smoothly as you want it to.

Like your cake selection and venue selection, your wedding’s first dance needs some planning as well. With the tips that we will share in the blog posts, you will be able to avoid some crucial mistakes that may make your first dance fall apart. So go ahead and read it carefully, read it till the end, and don’t forget to share this blog post with your friends and family.

Here is a list of the different types of ballroom dance programs offered by Dance Studios Dubai.

1. Not Communicating With Your Partner What You Want

Some people rightly say that joining ballroom dance classes in Dubai is like taking a couples therapy session. Don’t get us wrong, some of the happiest couples take therapy sessions and strengthen their bond with their better half. On the dance floor and in life, the trick to a happy and prospering partnership is to communicate well with your partner.

Sometimes, just to make the other person feel happy, one person may not communicate what they want. Trust us! There is always a way to get what you want, so make sure you discuss with your partner exactly what you want from the first dance before you attend your dancing lessons. Recall that while the final dance itself only takes three minutes of your life, the planning that goes into it will cost money, effort, and time. You both must find equal enjoyment in the process and the outcome. Discuss with your partner your preferred dancing style, the amount of money you are willing to spend, and the amount of time you have left before the event. Furthermore, this does not require you to be an expert in anything! Your teacher is more than willing to offer advice, and ideas, and help you both make the dance super successful.

2. Not Planning Your First Dance Outfit

Another benefit of attending professional dance classes in Dubai is that the professional dance trainer guides you with the attire. One of the most common mistakes that most couples make is not considering the outfit they will be wearing on the performance day. It’s crucial to realize that the first dance can be impacted by the wardrobe and venue environment, even though we recognize that reservations can be made at any time. To be honest, most wedding gowns are uncomfortable to sit in, much less dance in! Long train dresses, ballgown skirts, strapless tops, and rigid suit jackets can all make it difficult or uncomfortable to do specific motions. It’s crucial to notify your instructor as soon as you decide on your outfit so they can make adjustments. If not, it could be better to have different outfits for the dance itself. The same applies to the location; consider the type of flooring and the size of the area where you will be dancing.

Also, read our blog titled “4 Ballroom Dancing Skills That Translate to Life Skills.”

3. Not Practicing Enough

Most couples getting married have never taken formal dance instruction or danced previously, let alone joined one of the best dance studios in Dubai. It is a fairly normal thing, and your instructor at Dance Studios Dubai doesn’t even expect you to think that you and your partner are experts! But just like any other ability, it can be developed and uniquely yours the more you use it.

However, as dance instructors, the most common request is to have the dance “look natural.” Regretfully, dancing will never appear “natural,” but it can only appear confident and fluid! Repetition and practice are essential for even the easiest steps, especially for complex choreographies! So make sure you practice enough times to have a wonderful dance performance on your wedding day.

4. Skipping a Practice Performance before Audience

Performance is a skill that requires practice, just like dancing. The skill of performing requires practice, refinement, and work. Joining one of the best dance classes in Dubai does help with performance; however, it doesn’t mean you don’t need to practice. Waiting until the wedding day to practice their dance in front of a crowd is one of the worst blunders a couple can make. The entire dance on the day of the performance can be affected by several things, including the lighting, costumes, audience gaze, and inability to pause the routine in the middle. And performing is the only way to hone your skills and improve your performance! You will feel more secure the more you can perform your routine in front of others and replicate the wedding atmosphere.

Related Read: 5 Common Problems Dancers Face While Dancing

5. Not Trusting The Process

Recalling that most wedding couples are not professional dancers, it’s likely that you may initially find it awkward to try some dances. That’s alright, too! These moves will feel a little odd until you perform them regularly. Please keep in mind that appearances and feelings are not usually the same! This is the reason you should look for an instructor who shares the goals and aspirations of both you and your partner, so you can trust them to handle the routine and ensure that everyone looks beautiful while doing it. Even if you are fixed on certain aspects, enter the dance classes with an open mind.

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