Embrace Elegance: Essential Etiquette Tips for Ballroom Dancers in Dubai

Let’s be honest—we have all had strange encounters and uncomfortable circumstances when ballroom dancing. Especially if you have just begun learning ballroom dancing in Dubai, it can be challenging to know what to ask, where to ask, and who to ask. For this reason, Dance Studios Dubai, which is one of the oldest and best dance studios in Dubai, is discussing everything in detail about basic etiquette and essential tips to learn in ballroom dancing.

In this blog post, we are laying everything out on the table and discussing subjects that people frequently have questions about but seldom discuss. This includes awkward situations like your dance partner smelling or you feeling a bit uncomfortable with the way your partner holds you, and similar things. So read this blog post till the end and share it with your friends who have just begun learning ballroom dancing.

Also, read our blog titled “What is the Optimal Age for Beginning Dance Training?”

How to Dance With Strangers?

Many people are shy, while some are introverts, and some prefer to keep to themselves. When all of this decides to learn waltz dance in Dubai, they are faced with the “BIG” question of how to dance with strangers in the dance classes. At Dance Studios Dubai, our instructors ensure that all students introduce themselves to the class. By doing this, the first barrier of strangeness is dropped. Secondly, we urge everyone to change partners and dance with different students. This not only makes you a great dancer but also builds your dancing skills.

Additionally, at Dance Studios Dubai, we suggest all our students get to know each other. It’s crucial to build rapport and communicate when social dancing or dancing with a new student in class. Because we come from diverse backgrounds, none of us understands dancing or social cues in general the same way. By enrolling to learn dance, you not only learn a new skill but also make friends.

Learn about the importance of starting with an introductory dance class in Dubai.

How to comfortably Choose the Right Dance Position?

A typical characteristic of ballroom and smooth dance styles is the closed dance position. Dance holds get fairly close for dancers who are a little further along in their learning journey, those in the Silver or Gold levels. This is useful at a more advanced level of movement and enables nonverbal leading and following, but it is not necessary in a social dance or group class context. It might be detrimental to your partner’s experience to adopt a stance with which they are unfamiliar or uncomfortable. What some of the best dance classes in Dubai suggest you do is discuss choreography before you begin dancing with your fellow batchmate.

Additionally, instructors at Dance Studios Dubai suggest that you ask any new partner, “Are you more comfortable dancing in a close embrace dance position or a more relaxed dance position?” This is a question you should ask someone you have never danced with before. Even if you are an advanced dancer, practicing in a beginner’s position won’t harm your technique. Because learning the fundamentals is essential to progress, even experienced dancers will sometimes use a bronze or beginner’s hold. Taking professional dance classes in Dubai is another way of perfecting your techniques and learning the basics.

Choosing the Right Dance Level with Strangers?

Have you ever danced with someone who tried to teach you steps you have never learned or heard of before? Sweating, bewildered, and wondering, “Wait, is this even Cha Cha?” We have all experienced it at least once in our lives. Although a little struggle is beneficial to us, this can’t be enjoyable. One of the simplest things that ballroom dance classes in Dubai suggest you do is ask your partner or tell them that you usually dance in bronze. Further, ask them if they mind if you stick with those figures today. These are a few questions you shouldn’t be afraid to ask.

If you are dancing for your wedding day, avoid these 5 mistakes when preparing for your first dance.

Moving on While Dancing

It’s acceptable to exchange partners when the time comes! Dancing is exhausting, so excuse yourself to grab a glass of water, use the restroom, or tell them you need to take a break. After saying “thank you” for the dances, leave. It is considered good to practice this even when you are a beginner and are taking your professional dance lessons in Dubai at a dance studio.

Smell Good While Dancing

People naturally sweat and smell, and that’s ok. However, taking the appropriate safety measures is a must to enjoy your performance and make your dance partner feel comfortable. Take a shower before dancing, particularly if you spent the day moving around a lot or exercising. If you lack time or access to a shower, freshen up using baby wipes. It’s important to have deodorant, so pack one in your dancing bag. Wear clean clothing and dance. Everybody has a favorite pair of dance trousers, but make sure they are washed, well-maintained, and smell good. Before you start dancing, give yourself a breath mint, brush your teeth, or chew some gum. Bad breath can ruin the mood and make your partner uncomfortable. Avoid using strong fragrances and deodorants. A quick spritz is fine, but too much perfume or cologne may be too much for your dancing partner.

Wear Right Under Garment to Stay Comfortable on the Dance Floor

Ballroom dance lessons in Dubai suggest wearing appropriate undergarments while performing and practicing salsa and other ballroom dances. Although Marlin Monroe pulled it off brilliantly, wearing the right underwear can help you avoid some awkward situations.

If you are wondering, “What is the timeline for mastering ballroom dancing?” Here is our blog related to it; click on the highlighted text to read it.


These are a few basic tips and etiquettes that you must follow on the dance floor while dancing ballroom dance style to avoid awkward situations and have a great time dancing.

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