Ballroom Dance Etiquette 101: What NOT to Say to Your Instructor in Dubai

We have already covered a couple of topics on etiquette that ballroom dancers in Dubai must follow while attending their dance classes. While most students, in addition to normal etiquette, follow ballroom-specific codes of conduct and have a good time learning, there are a few things students must not say to their ballroom dance instructors in Dubai. What are those things? Dance Studios Dubai, which is one of the leading dance studios, will take you through those things one by one. So read till the end without skipping any part, and the next time you attend your ballroom dance classes, impress your instructor.

Related Read: Essential Etiquette Tips for Ballroom Dancers in Dubai.

“Can You Teach Me a Move I Saw On YouTube”?

Your ballroom dance instructors are the ones who have heard all sorts of things while teaching hundreds of students. However, when you ask your instructor to teach you a YouTube move, ensure that you have completed your earlier choreography beforehand. This is essential to consider, especially if you are taking group professional dance lessons in Dubai. While your instructor will be happy to help you and teach you a new move, they cannot derail the progress of the entire batch to assist you with one move you wish to learn from a YouTube video. However, you may ask your instructor to teach you these post-regular classes, or you may even book a special private ballroom dance class in Dubai for yourself.

“Why Didn’t You Teach Me That”?

The world of ballroom dances is enormous, and no matter how much one wishes to teach, all parts can’t be covered in a few sessions or even a couple of months. Whether you enroll in waltz dance in Dubai or some other ballroom dance style, never tell your instructor why you didn’t teach me that. There are high chance that your ballroom dance instructor has covered all parts of the dance level you are learning and will gradually teach you advanced versions. So never tell your instructor why you didn’t teach me that.

“Can We Focus on This One Dance?”

Whether you enroll yourself in one of the best dance studios in Dubai for a hobby or to take a break from a mundane routine, never tell your instructor to help you focus on just one dance choreography. Like other art forms, dance is an art form that professional instructors take seriously. When instructors at Dance Studios Dubai teach, they want you to learn the art from the core and not just perform for one time.

“That’s Not What My Other Teacher Said.”

Any two different individuals will have different styles of dressing and even teach ballroom dance in Dubai. When you take ballroom dance lessons in Dubai from one instructor and find some differences in what your former teacher said, we suggest you calmly ask your instructor about the difference. There are high chances that both your ballroom instructors are saying the same thing but in different ways. Sometimes, when you are new in your learning journey, two different individuals teaching you the same thing may feel like two completely different things.

“I Won’t Perform Until I am ready.”

The purpose of joining professional dance classes in Dubai is to become ready to perform on stage and various other platforms. When you attend classes and your instructor feels you are ready to take the next step and perform, we suggest you don’t tell them that you won’t perform until you feel ready because most individuals, no matter how much they practice, never feel ready. Every master and star performer has felt nervous before their first performance, so when your instructor trusts your abilities, we suggest taking the leap of faith and giving your best performance. Because beyond the fear, you will find out that you were always ready; you just didn’t know that it was the time for you.

Do read our blog titled “How Music Makes You Move: Exploring the Dance-Music Connection in Dubai Studio.”

“I am Not Trying to Be Professional”

Many people aren’t good at tennis yet enjoy the game; similarly, most common people aren’t actors, but they enjoy watching movies. So what makes you think that when you learn ballroom dance in Dubai, you have to become a professional? In most cases, when you attend ballroom dance classes in Dubai, your instructor teaches you from scratch and the basics so that you can enjoy learning and performing even if it is among your friends or between you and your partner through the closed doors of your home. When the instructor teaches you the intricacies of your dance, let them teach you, and never tell them that you aren’t trying to be a professional. Trust the process and see the magic at the end.

“Dancing Isn’t My Cup of Tea.”

God has made all individuals different from each other. Even the fingers of all humans are unequal, so what makes you think that you can give up easily by saying that dancing isn’t your cup of tea? Even if you are a slow learner, when you join the best dance classes in Dubai, we are sure you will find dancing fun and have the best time learning it.

“Today I Don’t Feel Like Dancing.

It happens a lot of times when you have a busy schedule and busy days that you get super tired and don’t feel like dancing or doing any physical activity at all. We suggest that when you feel super tired, you take a break and rest, but don’t let this become a habit. After all, dancing is fun, and even if you take a couple of sessions each week, they will help you get better mental and physical health. So never tell your instructor that you don’t feel like dancing. Just go there, enjoy the music, move your body, and have a great time. Also, here is how you can overcome shyness, make new friends, and find your rhythm with ballroom dancing in Dubai.

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